Berlin is incredible. I loved the dynamism of the city. I loved the institutional buildings and the more corporative Berlin as well as the daily life I could breath in the different quarters.
I've explained the experience to my granddaughter, Claudia. If you want to know more see the Blog "Cartes per la Claudia". In Berlin, I've taken my daily notes and impressions about the learning and the teaching of foreign languages for further revision in the future and I have developed a well settled interest: cooking!
While I was there I shared a few meals with Gary, American; Joëlle, French and a friend of hers from the French Antilles, Henry, an exquisite, gentle black man! We exchanged our culinary charms and I decided to prepare a paella for them one evening. It turned out different than the ones I make at home. I cared for the rice and for the ingredients which were in no way similar to the cuttlefish I have around the corner in my village. I found frozen shrimp at a Chinese supermarket and nice bio-vegetables. I made the stock with some of the shrimps' heads and used a soup fish cube I found in the supermarket. They found the paella delicious!!!! The truth is it tasted nice but it had nothing to do with the paellas at home. I started wondering what happens with the cooking you make at home and the one you take home with you from different countries... There's a cultural filter, even when we cook, not only when we speak. When we are in a different country changes take place and this may be because of the ingredients, the utensils you use, the water or the stove. It also varies when you want to make a dish from another country in your own. So it happened when I tried to make the "kohlroulade" at home where I added my personal touch and it became a similar dish, but quite different in taste. I'd say tastier! but maybe a German person would not agree with me. Have a look!
So I decided to open a new research line on the topic and opened another Blog "Food and Culture Crossroads" where I'll be posting around these thoughts and hope for your contributions.
I also went to a little village at the far end in Aragon, near Soria and Navarra (Torrellas) were I had spent a couple of summers during my childhood. It was fun to revisit the Fiestas and meet the friends I used to play seek and hide when I was 7 years old! Here are some of us at the social bar having a drink!
You may wonder whether I've started or not. Yes, I am on the move but, for the moment back and forth from my homeland. Summer was busy, travelling around and having visitors at home. Summarizing I'd say that Nell's, Kate's and their friends from New York, were the most rewarding visitors. They were easy going, independent and collaborative when they were at home. I've also enjoyed the visit of Charlotte, my Irish friend, who unfortunately only stayed for a couple of days. Here she is...
The star trip in terms of pleasure and peacefulness has been to Formentera where I have spend a week recently and have walked the land and bathed in the blue clear crystal waters. Incredible nature and wild experience as well as culinary too. I still need time to digest the feelings... Here are a few shots.
That's all for now folks... And you? How are you doing? Let me know.
Acabo de confeccionar un texto dedicado a las relaciones que se dan en la red -algunas de ellas y entre adultos- que acabé con esto que acabo de copiar y pego aquí...
Esta entrada No Sólo va dedicada a ellos. También a los que Ya Admiro y/o Aprecio y que deseo Conocer Cualquier día... cuando Dispongan -mi agenda está abierta-.
... y al ponerle fecha de publicación -será el 9 próximo- me encuentro con tus palabras y tu ofrecimiento. ¿A que parece mágico?
Como decía, mi agenda está Disponible, estoy prejubilada desde este mes de junio pasado. Así que... Tú mandas, cuando quieras.
Un fuerte abrazo acompañado de dos besos. PAQUITA
No deixeràs mai de sorprende'm!. Please make a point about your book ... I'm sure it'd be a best-seller... and if you get a few some more freetime, get a trend-progress in photography, you have attitude, I think so. The Formenera pictures are really good! Amazing!. Take care.
Yes!!!!! The Nuria's book must be written soon! You have all the tools: your imagination and your expirience. Now, you have just to mix them!!! Recipes and trips: good combination!
Hi Núria!
What's going on?
Where are you right now?
For sure you are doing or thinking about doing somethig interesting. Let us know about it.
See you!
So you're living on the 17th?!?! That's in two days...
Probably you do not have time to drink a coffee and share your plans with me.
I just can say GOOD LUCK and enjoy the ride!!
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