Wednesday, 5 November 2008

Obama President!

As you, my dear students, may guess, I'm happy with the results of the American Elections.
Pain woke me up at 4am and I could follow the final results of the American elections directly on TV3. It's been really moving when the metter has shown the electoral votes for California and this was enough for Obama's victory.
As you know, I have lived in the US for a long time and I was unsure of this victory for I had exprerienced the racism they were so afraid of in my own skin. I know now, America is changing for the better.

Read the news and watch the videos of the magic night and just enjoy the flavour of change!

And Pinch Me ...a message from Michael Moore


Sand in my shoes said...
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Sand in my shoes said...

Hey teacher!
At last, I appear correctly in your list of student's blogs. Thank you so much! However, you haven't correct my posts since the article of Norah Jones. I know you're so busy with all our blogs, it's just a reminder if you have a moment when you would be better. I'm not sure if you have realized it. Now, I'm feeling so selfish. I just wanted to say it to you.

I hope you would feel better.

Vidakinesiología said...

It is So exciting to hear Obama in this video that I hope change is coming to america. I hope!

Rip Van Winkle said...

Like Bob Dylan said, maybe "the times are changing". I am happy too, and I spent most of the night awake listening to radio programmes (a great device that of the radio!, I think I will television on day too, it must like the cinema, but smaller -normally-. Barack Hussein Obama (like Alanis Morisette would say "isn't it ironic?") knows how to speak to an audience. Now, the thing is, will he be able to really change the way things have been done so far? Will big banks and insurance companies let him implement his policy? These are not good times for big banks and insurance companies and that is both positive and negative. We'll see. Waking up to see this has been worth it!

On the other hand, maybe the American people needed a leader like this, somebody like you, like your neighbour. I was not a question of being angrier, but more a question of chaneling your anger in the right direction!

Carpe Noctum!

imjustcristina said...

Hi Nuria!! How are you? I hope you feel better!!!! Thank you for your comments, I know that I make mistakes with a silly things, I promise I'll be more carefully!!

OBAMA PRESIDENT!! This is one of the changes the world needs now.

I hope I will see you soon in class.


moonligt shadow said...

Hi, virginia?
How ist it going, do you feel better?
I hope so.
Well, I've published a new whisper on my blog.

I hope all of you enjoy it!