Reading about The Slow Movement: Making a Connection I've come up with a list of ideas you may consider. As usual, this is not compulsory. You may write about this unless you have better ideas...
-time poverty
-Home schooling
-making connections
-organic food
-Schools in turmoil.
-Home schooling...
I got a few ideas from the text. There are many more!!
Have a wonderful weekend!!
Yes teacher! It's all OK! You can leave your comments now! Thanks for read your 90 students!
*Thanks for READING your 90 students* ^^'
You've repeated "Home schooling" twice! Very very bad :).
Last day I explained you in a comment that I've a partner who doesn't appear in your Blog's list, only in the followers. You haven't corrected his/her work and he/she is worried about it. This is his/her blogger address:
He/she doesn't dare to tell you because you says that you don't have to discover ourselves yet.
And that's my problem: I've posted an article few minuts ago and I don't appear on the top of your blog's list.I don't know why. Do you know it?
My review is posted. I expect that you like it! See you and good night!
That's a good topic for the weekend, and for life in general too!
Yes, I've proved that if I take things easy, then my characters are better, and my histories have more sense!
Perhaps the slow movement is the way to become a real writer. Who knows...
See you soon!
Hi Carpe Diem,
I have started with my blog.
Suddenly, in the sunday's magazine today appears a article about "Calm on crisis's time", and there're different people who talk about the changes and reasons in their lives. They are agree with the SLOW LIFE, since it started in the ninety.
See you!
Hi teacher!!
I have an answer;
we have to make our compositions about the items you write or we can talk about whatever we want??
And we can propose you items to talk about??
Thanks a lot and congratulations for your dedication with your students, you're a hero!
The Slow Movement and let's go to live to the country!
Fantastic idea, but then we need too many things that we have to change the country and make it more accesible, with more things to buy, more roads to go and return and then we have another city!!!
If you go to live to the country there are rules you have to follow.
I fell asleep under a tree in a quite forest and now that I woke up there are cars everywhere, noise and people doing crazy things. Why did they came here?
Hi Virginia!!
As I commented you, when I write on my blog, on yours it doesn't upgrade. I have the same problem than Sand in my shoes.
So if you have some time, please visit my blog.
Thanks a lot!!!
Hi teacher,
I have a problem.
My blog doesn’t appear in the right side of your blog. I don’t know why. I send you again my blog:
aqua aquae
I don't know why you can't leave comments in my blog, you could do it before...
Maybe, I changed something... I don't know what... I have done another change... Try it again...
Hey teacher!
I'm sorry when I've to insist, I feel self-centered. You haven't read my review about "My life without me", only the little comment about "Slow Movement".
See you!
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